
Nose Revision [Revision surgery of another clinic’s outcomes, Septal Extension, Nasal Tip Plasty, Rhinoplasty, Hump Reduction (Autologous Tissue/Rib Cartilage)]

nose case2 oblique with explanation
nose case 2 side view
nose case 2 side view with explanation

Operation Procedure

Septal Extension, Nasal Tip Plasty, Rhinoplasty, Revisions (Autologous Tissue), Rib Cartilage


A patient came to us for a revision after having undergone cartilage grafting in the nasal tip and silicone implantation in the nasal bridge at another clinic.

The patient’s request was: “I had nose surgery, but my nasal tip has dropped and looks lower. I also wanted to correct my hump, but it hasn’t improved at all, so I’d like it to be fixed.”

Upon examination, the nasal tip was indeed drooping and slightly collapsed, resulting in a condition known as a “pinched nose.” Additionally, although silicone had been inserted into the nasal bridge, the hump deformity hadn’t been properly treated, so the dorsal hump still appeared when viewed from the side.

What are the issues?

  1. Incorrect nasal tip reduction
  2. Cartilage grafting on a weak nasal tip foundation
  3. Silicone implantation without proper hump correction

To elaborate on these points:
First, regarding nasal tip reduction, it’s common to see cases where the nasal tip cartilage has been carelessly narrowed by simply tying a suture around it, as likely happened in this case. However, this approach doesn’t yield a beautiful nasal tip. In this patient’s case, it resulted in a pinched nose, where the tip appeared overly narrow and pinched.

Secondly, although cartilage grafting was performed on the nasal tip, it not only failed to raise the tip but actually caused it to droop. The forces acting on the nasal tip are stronger than many might expect, and grafting cartilage onto a weak foundation often leads to sagging over time.

Thirdly, the hump, a protrusion in the middle of the nasal bridge, is composed of both bone and cartilage. The appropriate method of correction depends on its size and shape. Failure to address the hump properly before inserting an implant can lead to unsatisfactory results, as seen in this case.

Overall, nasal surgery is highly complex. When done correctly, it not only enhances the nose but also gives the entire face a more three-dimensional appearance, significantly improving the overall facial impression. However, each surgical step requires precision and accuracy, making it a very challenging procedure.

As a board-certified cosmetic surgeon by Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (JSAPS), which is only available to board-certified plastic surgeons, I perform a wide range of surgeries from initial to revision, so please feel free to contact me anytime for consultation.

Risks and Side Effects:

Swelling, bruising, infection, asymmetry, reversion, deviation, nasal obstruction, difference from the expected image, discomfort, scarring, hypertrophic scars, keloids, etc.


  1. Nose Revision [Revision surgery of another clinic’s outcomes, Septal Extension, Nasal Tip Plasty, Rhinoplasty, Hump Reduction (Autologous Tissue/Rib Cartilage)]

  2. Creating a ‘Forgotten Nose’ or an Inconspicuous Nose [Nasal Tip Plasty, Septal Extension Graft (Autologous Tissue/Rib Cartilage)]

  3. How to create charming eyes. Glamorous Line formation, Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty.

